Ceramic work again!
28 years ago, I was ceramic artist (that people called me). I couldn’t eat as illustrator. I started draw on a white ceramic surface.
That was my start as an artist in Canada.
5 years later, I got hit by car and hard to carry heavy cray. So I thought that is chance to change back to my focus.
Now, luckily I could live as illustrator. My fan is sending me pictures of my ceramic work through messenger.
I feel so grateful and touched…someone taking care my old work and watch how I am growing.
2021, I am starting again from here.
28年前、私は陶芸家でした(皆んなは私をそう呼んでいました)。 イラストレーターとしては食べていくことはできない日々で…プラクティカルな使えるアートならカナダ人は買うよ、と友人にアドバイスをもらい、私は白いセラミックの表面に描き始めました。それがカナダでのアーティストとしての私のスタートでした。